Career Everywhere Roadshow 2023 Logo

We’re hitting the road and we hope you’ll join us!

The Career Everywhere Roadshow brings together leaders who believe career services must exist beyond the walls of one office. Join us for a full day of strategy and innovation as we collectively work to make career services accessible to anyone, anywhere, anytime.

Los Angeles, CA

March 2023

Houston, TX

April 2023

Chicago, IL

May 2023

Boston, MA

August 2023

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Why should you attend?

Learning and innovation is easier and more effective (and honestly, more fun) when you do it with friends. That’s why we want to bring together career services leaders across the country to network, strategize, and collaborate on ways we can embed career in classrooms, across campuses, and beyond—what we call Career Everywhere. 

Each day-long event will offer multiple sessions and discussions focused on sharing best practices and tactics. Speakers will cover topics like supporting and engaging faculty, equitably serving underrepresented student populations, embedding career into the classroom, and many others that align with a Career Everywhere approach to career services. 

We believe there’s no better time than right now to be working in career services. We’re only just beginning to see the potential impact career services can have, not only on student success, but on institutional success as a whole. To realize this potential, it’s critical that we work together.

What is Career Everywhere?

Engaging students with career resources before, during, and after college

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Providing truly equitable access to all students, 24/7/365

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Shifting the role of career services from provider to facilitator

Questions & Answers

What is the cost to attend?

The cost to attend is $225.00 per registrant (but be on the lookout for more information about early bird registration savings!).

Who should attend a roadshow event?

Career services leaders, their teams, and anyone interested in discussing and learning about best practices, strategies, and tactics to engage stakeholders on campus to make Career Everywhere a reality.

What type of topics will be discussed?

Specific topics will vary from event to event, but generally topics will highlight best practices, strategies, and tactics that align with the spirit of Career Everywhere, like:

  • Supporting and engaging faculty with resources to enable meaningful career conversations
  • Equitably serving underrepresented student populations
  • Embedding career into the classroom
  • Partnering with and supporting on-campus stakeholders, like enrollment, advising, student life, etc.
When will dates be finalized and registration open?

Dates will be finalized in early January. Sign up to be notified when dates and locations are finalized!

Can I participate as a speaker?

Have a great strategy or tactic you want to share with others? Send an email to our event manager, Alys (, to express your interest so we can determine the best way to incorporate you into the programming.

What’s the COVID-19 policy?

We’ll follow all state and local guidelines/policies for each specific event location as it relates to COVID-19 precautions.

Sign up to be notified when registration is live!

Interested in attending? Sign up today and be the first to know when our dates are finalized and registration is open!