Become a Career Everywhere Ambassador

Want to help spread the word about Career Everywhere and join a network of other like-minded career services professionals? Become a Career Everywhere Ambassador! 

Illustrative chat bubbles, two of which contain greyscale images of current Career Everywhere ambassadors

What’s involved

Career Everywhere Ambassadors help lead the charge in promoting the use of strategies and tactics that align with the Career Everywhere tenets.

Learn and share

Join a network of career services professionals to learn and share about strategies, tactics, and initiatives that advance the role of career services on campus and beyond. 

Evangelize the movement

Career Everywhere Ambassadors are committed to promoting best practices and strategies that align with Career Everywhere—both internally on their own campus and externally among their career services peers. 

Activities include:

  • Attending exclusive events (virtual and at industry conferences) just for ambassadors.
  • Participating in surveys, focus groups, and other forms of research to inform Career Everywhere strategies, content, and promotions.
  • Being vocal! Ambassadors are encouraged to talk about what they’re doing on their campuses to promote a culture of Career Everywhere while attending conferences, virtual events, and on social media (#CareerEverywhere).
  • Enjoying (and sharing) the Career Everywhere weekly newsletter.
  • Getting Career Everywhere swag (and showing it off!).
  • Getting discounts to Career Everywhere Roadshow events.
  • And more!
Illustrative, colorful chat bubbles


Here are some answers to questions we anticipate you might have about the Career Everywhere Ambassador program.

What’s the required time commitment to be an ambassador?

There is no minimum time requirement to be a Career Everywhere Ambassador. Participate in as much or as little as you’d like!

I want to share about my (and my team’s) work. Will being an ambassador provide an opportunity to do so?

We want to continue to shine a light on the amazing work that’s happening all across the industry. When you complete the ambassador sign-up form you’ll be able to indicate your interest in participating in different ways.

Do I have to be a uConnect customer to be an ambassador?

Nope. There are many ways to achieve Career Everywhere–it’s not a result of a single strategy or reliant on a single technology.

I’m a senior-level career services professional. Is this for me?

Yes, absolutely! If you believe in making career resources more accessible and equitable for all students, regardless of their backgrounds or circumstances, then we’d love to have you join.

I’m a newer career services professional. Is this for me?

100%! If you believe in making career resources more accessible and equitable for all students, regardless of their backgrounds or circumstances, then we’d love to have you join.

Get started

We’re excited to have you as an ambassador! Please fill out the form below to get started.